Geodesic EEG System - NA 300
Equipment Location
SLEIC Human Electrophysiology Facility
Chandlee Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
United States
A Mac-based high density (128-channel) EEG system designed for research or clinical applications.
- For Electroencephalography (EEG) and Event Related Potentials (ERP) recordings.
- 128-channel HCGSN.
- Mac Pro w/ NetStation 4.5.4.
- Net Amps 300 amplifier.
- PC w/ E-Prime 2.0 Professional ( for experiment control.
The Geodesic EEG System (GES) was purchased from EGI (Electrical Geodesics, Inc). The Human Electrophysiology Facility has two testing chambers each equipped with a GES. The system is also equipped with response options, including a 4-button response pad by EGI (compatible with the Geodesic EEG System), 10-keypad, standard keyboard, and standard mouse. All response options are USB compatible.