Eye Tracker - Long Range Optics

Equipment Location
SLEIC 3T MRI Facility
Chandlee Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
United States
MRI compatible eye tracker using the relay mirror on the head coil by Applied Science Laboratories.
- Long range optic eye tracking for use in fMRI paradigms.
- ASL Eye Tracking Module mounted behind the scanner.
- 60 Hz camera.
- Uses the same mirror attached to the head coil used for stimulus presentation.
- Bright pupil technology used for eye tracking.
- Compatible with Matlab and E-Prime.
The long range optic eye tracker system was developed by and purchased from Applied Science Laboratories. This eye tracking system allows researchers to record eye tracking data in an fMRI environment without mounting any technological equipment within the scanner bore. All that is needed inside the scanner bore is the existing relay mirror used for visual paradigm presentation. Data is collected using the EyeTrack 6 User Interface program.