Siemens 3T Magnetom Prisma Fit

Photo of SLEIC's 3T MRI Trio scanner.

Equipment Location

SLEIC 3T MRI Facility

Chandlee Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
United States


The 3T MRI scanner provides a suite of capabilities for head-to-toe imaging of the entire body.


  • Neuro Suite: includes protocols for diffusion imaging, perfusion imaging, and fMRI.
  • Angio Suite: excellent MR Angiography can be performed to visualize arteries and veins.
  • Cardiac Suite: covers the complete application range from morphology, ventricular and valvular functions to dynamic signal, coronary imaging and angiography.
  • Body Suite: covers clinical body applications, providing 2D and 3D protocols for abdomen, pelvis, MR Colonography, MRCP, dynamic kidney, and MR Urography applications.
  • Onco Suite: features a collection of sequences as well as protocols and evaluation tools that guide through a detailed screening of clinical indications, such as in hepatic neoplasms.
  • Breast Suite: excellent soft tissue differentiation, customized protocols (e.g., with fat saturation or water excitation or silicone excitation), as well as multiplanar visualization for MR breast examinations.
  • Ortho Suite: comprehensive collection of protocols for joint and spine imaging. Especially suitable for avascular necrosis, internal derangements, and imaging of tumors and infections.
  • Pediatric Suite: provides dedicated protocols for pediatric imaging by age groups, for example, protocols for imaging tumors, malformations and epilepsy in the brain, cardiac morphology, and functional imaging.
  • Scientific Suite: provides easy access to application-specific data for further processing and advanced image computation methods.


  • Bore inner tunnel diameter = 60 cm.
  • Maximum participant weight = 200 kg (440 lbs.).
  • Maximum FOV = 50 cm.
  • Available coils: Head/Neck 20, Head/Neck 64, Spine 32, Flex 4 Large, Flex 4 Small, Body 18, Knee.


The Social Life and Engineering Science Imaging Center (SLEIC) houses a Siemens 3T Magnetom Prisma Fit whole body MRI scanner with a full set of head, body, knee, ankle, spine, and breast imaging coils. The newly installed scanner is equipped with state-of-the-art XR 80 mT/m / 200 T/m/s gradient system with parallel transmit capabilities. The scanner includes a 20-channel head coil, and a 64-channel head and neck coil. The imaging suite is equipped with a 1024x768 pixel MR-compatible projector with rear projection screen, two four-button fiber optic response boxes from Creative Technologies, two two-button fiber optic response grips from Nordic Neurolabs, and a joystick from Creative Technologies. SLEIC also maintains physiological recording equipment to enable collection of breathing rate, pulse oxygen, and the electrocardiogram, and an olfactometer. Our olfactometer system comes with a fully featured paradigm designer and 6 channel odorant carrier to adjust the device behavior to the experimental design needs. SLEIC is also equipped with the VisuaStim digital goggles & headphones in conjunction with the MReyetracking from Resonance Technologies for the audio-visual stimulation. The VisuaStim & MReyetracking combines 2D/3D high-resolution digital video and high-quality sound with the tracking of eye movement. SLEIC also maintains a second long-range optics eye tracker and an MRI compatible video camera system. The long-range optics eye tracker system uses ASL bright pupil technology and can be positioned 12 feet from the bore.