ETT Olfactometer

Photo of ETT Olfactometer, version 1.0, installed on SLEIC's 3T Trio.

Equipment Location

SLEIC 3T MRI Facility

Chandlee Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
United States


Variable rate, fully programmable 6 channel olfactometer with subject feedback and sub-second data resolution for fMRI and electrophysiological studies of olfaction.


  • Odorant delivery for fMRI studies of olfaction.


  • 6 channel odorant carrier.
  • 6 meter long, 7 in 1, teflon tubing.
  • Respiratory belt with digital input.
  • Subject feedback pad with digital input.
  • Noise reduction tubing.
  • Trigger out with TTL pulse 5v.
  • Trigger in with TTL pulse 5v.
  • Dual axial plunger air pump with 15 psi air pressure.
  • Micro-filter ventilation system with replaceable charcoal and particle filter.


The olfactometer odorant delivery system was purchased from Emerging Tech Trans (ETT). The system consists of a variable rate, fully programmable 6 channel olfactometer with subject feedback and sub-second data resolution for fMRI studies of olfaction. Additional information about this system (e.g., user manuals) can be found on the ETT website.